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“Rosa” Sweilem ‘s picture - Case from Alan 2020.jpg

During the 2008 financial collapse, Bay Area veterinarians and shelters witnessed an alarming trend. An increasing number of families were either surrendering pets with treatable medical conditions, or sadly, bringing in them in to be euthanized. The reason came down to cost. Owners could not afford life-saving care for their beloved companions without incurring huge financial debt.


In seeking solutions, local shelters - joined by the SF Veterinary Medical Association – approached four veterinarians for help. These professionals discovered that no Bay Area programs addressed the issue, and very few programs across the country provided assistance. Facing an escalating crisis, they decided to form San Francisco Aid for Animals (SFAfA).


SFAfA distributes annual grants to its member veterinary hospitals, which, in turn, match the donations.  With these added resources, hospitals provide life-saving veterinary care to families who otherwise could not afford it. Our goal is to prevent beloved pets from needless suffering, euthanasia or separation from their homes. 

​Many thanks to each and every one of you. We couldn’t do this important work without YOU. Please
consider helping our cause and increase the number of lives we can save.


2008 - 2011

We started


Official launch of the Grant in Aid (GIA) program


We start growing



Tauber Fund for Animals is established


In-Memoriam Program launched


Durfee Fund established


SFAfA Emergency Fund established



The financial downturn triggered the need for a SFAfA model org. After a year of researching, development, and fundraising, SFAfA began!

The first pilot grant went to Riot, a terrier mix, for treatment of his bladder stones.

SFAfA provides grants and hospitals provide a 1:1 match of in-kind services to help clients pay their veterinary bills. 22 were animals helped with over $30,000 in aid.

Our all-volunteer board begins to grow and we get help from experts in veterinary medicine, industry, technology and the non-profit sector

129 animals total helped and over $167,000 of aid provided

Through the generosity of Ingrid Tauber, we establish a
fund for more complicated high-cost cases. SFAfA provides the grants and the hospital provides a 25%

Individuals and hospitals donate to SFAfA in memory of a deceased pet. The pet’s family receives a condolence card, memorializing their pet. To date: 386 animals helped and over $570,000 of aid has been provided.

In honor of Phil Durfee, DVM a retired SFAfA board member. Our first member hospital that utilizes their entire annual GIA allotment gets additional grant funds with no match required.

Due to a devastating fire season, this fund helps families
impacted by disaster. SFAfA provides the grants. In a disaster, many hospitals, themselves, are impacted. No match is required of the hospital when awarding our grants.

1 million dollars in aid provided, helping over 675 animals.

Thanks to the generosity of our many donors, our community partners and our member hospitals over $1,286,000 in aid provided to over 700 families and their beloved pets.

Contact Us
Join our mailing list

Donate online or mail a check 

Make payable to “San Francisco Aid for Animals”
Inquiring Systems, Inc.
887 Sonoma Ave #23
Santa Rosa CA 95404-6509

EIN: 94-2524840

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